Ownership Breakdown

The following table sets forth the principal holders of Marfrig outstanding common shares and their respective shareholdings:

Shareholders Shares %
(1) Controlling Shareholders 597,163,480 64.07%
(1) Board of Directors 105,163 0.01%
(1)  Fiscal Council 932,927 0.10%
(1) Statutory Board 214,056 0.02%
 Treasury Shares 31,506,902 3.38%
Others 302,077,472 32.41%
TOTAL 932,000,000 100,00%

(1) Updated on June, 2024 . 

Note: Controlling Shareholders’ group consists of  Marcos Antonio Molina dos Santos , Marcia Aparecida Pascoal Marcal dos Santos and companies in which they are shareholders.

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